NISO Plus closing
NISO Plus closing
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TODD CARPENTER: That was an amazing way to wrap up our conference. One of the chats that just went by, and now it's totally disappeared, so I'm sorry, I won't be able to quote you-- I think it was Mariella said, isn't she-- Zeynep talking about structured debate, describing this conference?
TODD CARPENTER: Which, to me, is the greatest compliment. Thank you all for joining us. I have a few closing remarks before we wrap up. It was also interesting to circle back to-- and I had done these slides earlier prior to Zeynep's talk-- to hear her talk about what it was like back in February, end of February, on February 25 of 2020 and describing what that was like and what her experiences were and the tweets she was sending out at that time.
TODD CARPENTER: We were in day 2, I believe of NISO Plus '20. And it's interesting to think back to how I felt in the spring, after NISO Plus '20 had been finished, how we were going to think about what we had planned for 2021. We had signed a contract for a hotel in Baltimore.
TODD CARPENTER: NISO Plus '20 was an innovative experiment in hosting of a conference. It was something new. And I kind of felt in the spring of '20, after NISO Plus, we were thinking about NISO Plus '21, geez, it's time to try something new again. And at that time, we decided, as I said in the opening, to go full on into a virtual footing thinking, this won't get better soon, and we should try to build the best virtual experience we can.
TODD CARPENTER: And we had by no rights realistic expectations that it would turn out as well as it did. We have so many people to thank in pulling that together. The first people I would like to draw attention to are our sponsors. They provided the financial support and technical support for our organization in order for us to pull this together and pull it together in a way that didn't cost you all an arm and a leg.
TODD CARPENTER: So we have to thank our sponsors, the American Chemical Society, Digital Science. Caldmore Media and Figshare all came in at the Megabyte level, which is the top level, to support this conference, so thank you so much to them. I'd like to thank the Kilobyte sponsors, Access Innovations, ASME, Crossref, Bowker, Clarivate, ASTM, EBSCO, Silverchair, and Springer Nature. So thank you so much to the Kilobyte sponsors.
TODD CARPENTER: And the Bit and Byte-level sponsors who also contributed to this process in this conference. The American Psychological Association, Aries Systems, Atla, IEEE, the Creative Common Clearance Center, Delta Think, Edaptive Technologies, Atypon, the Modern Language Association International Bibliography, OpenAthens, Project Muse, Scholastica, SPIE, SPI global, and the University of Rhode Island Libraries.
TODD CARPENTER: Thank you so much to our sponsors for helping us to get this going. As I discussed in the opening, the conference opening, this conference was centered around global conversations and global connections. These were principles that we set out from the outset of what this experience was-- what we were trying to achieve with this experience.
TODD CARPENTER: From a global perspective, this started with the program committee and the people we pulled together that made this event possible. We have so much to thank for the program committee members. Thank you all so much for your efforts. It's important to know we had 11 countries represented on this program committee, and that led not just from the program committee, it extended out into the sessions and into the topics that we covered.
TODD CARPENTER: Every aspect of this program was a direct result from setting out the team in advance who would be willing to and did engage an international audience, an international experience for you all. And that paid off in amazing ways. We had in 2020 240 people attend our meeting in Baltimore, which was, from my perspective, it was a great turnout.
TODD CARPENTER: We were so happy. We sold out, but really, we had no reason to believe that we could bring 835 people across 26 countries to NISO Plus. Thank you all for coming, for engaging in our activities, and participating in the conversations. This has been a worldwide event, and we're so pleased about how engaged the world was in this community.
TODD CARPENTER: Similarly, I mentioned yesterday in the award ceremony, we brought together 15 new scholarship winners this year to match the 12 that we brought on board last year. Such an amazing group of people who are, I hope, soon to be leaders or will grow and develop into leaders in our community. Some amazing, amazing people we were able to highlight and bring into this process through the scholarship program, and we hope to provide a platform for them to enhance their voices moving forward.
TODD CARPENTER: Another element, key core element of this program was global conversations. We didn't just want presentation after presentation we wanted to have a global conversation about the issues that are impacting the information community. And I'm so pleased with how that turned out. We had great content, we had great presentations, but I think more importantly was the follow-up after those conversations-- after those presentations.
TODD CARPENTER: The 45-minute-long conversations. The back and forth about, well, what are we going to do about these things? What are ideas that the community, be it RDA, ALA, COPE, NISO, where can we take these ideas? How can we bring those issues and problems into reality? Those were great conversations. We've recorded them all, we've saved all the chats, and we are going to go through them and pick out program ideas.
TODD CARPENTER: Where are we going to take these ideas? What are we going to do about these things? There was a tremendous amount of Q&A, chat, tweets, there was social engagement the likes of which NISO has never seen for which we are so grateful, and for which we want to build on where this is going and the momentum that we have here. Part of building on that momentum is the discourse site that we have.
TODD CARPENTER: I'm so excited. We have-- I think as of yesterday evening or this morning, we had more than 350 people signed up to participate in the NISO Discourse, to take the ideas and some of the themes that were discussed during the conference, and where can we take those next? Where can we continue those conversations. This discourse is going to be one of the forums in which will continue those conversations, so I encourage you all to keep going back there, keep putting your thoughts in, keep reacting, keep commenting for the community, and keep engaging on these issues.
TODD CARPENTER: I'm just so excited about the nature of the conversations. If you haven't logged in, here's a QR code and the URL for the discourse, the NISO Discourse. We're keeping it a little limited at the moment to NISO Plus registrants, but we expect-- we plan to open that up and open it up to the entire NISO community so we can continue the discussions there.
TODD CARPENTER: Other ways that you can stay in touch with NISO will get you to a forum where you can provide information-- if you want to subscribe to our newsletter, NISO Information Organized, NISO IO. If you want to get emails about working groups, that's where you would stay in touch with NISO. We also want your feedback.
TODD CARPENTER: We will be sending out a survey on Monday, please respond, please let us know. As I said, this is an experiment. We will do something again, and your feedback in terms of what worked, what didn't, what you liked, what you didn't, what you love for us to do again, that kind of feedback is critical to us understanding and moving that forward. There is also an opportunity within [? SKED ?] to rate the sessions.
TODD CARPENTER: So if you would, just go into [? SKED ?] and like, oh, I love that, love that, or this-- was provide whatever feedback you'd like, but it's important for us to get feedback from you all. And I want to end on the same note that I began with. As wonderful as this program has been, as enjoyable and enlightening as the conversations have been, NISO Plus isn't about what happens between the opening keynote and the closing keynote.
TODD CARPENTER: It isn't about necessarily the discussion sessions that take place there. What NISO Plus about is what happens tomorrow and what happens next week. Maybe not tomorrow because NISO staff is going to relax tomorrow. It has been a crazy week for us all. So if you ping us, we might be slow to respond. Monday, definitely Monday.
TODD CARPENTER: But the bigger point is, where do we go from here? What do we do with these ideas? What do we do with the problems, issues, that were raised here, how do we solve them? We don't serve them in three days. I wish NISO working groups could solve problems in three days. We would get so much done. It takes time, it takes effort, it takes a community. And building consensus is a difficult process, but it's a valuable process.
TODD CARPENTER: And we want to build on the ideas of this conference. We want to take those ideas and turn them into things. That is what NISO Plus is about. That is the core of why we have this meeting. And we need every one of you who are here live or listening to this recording or participated in any part of this conference to continue to engage, to continue to work towards a world, as we say in our mission, where everyone has access, unfettered access to information.
TODD CARPENTER: That's our vision for the world, and this NISO Plus Conference is a key element of bringing that into reality. And I hope you all engage in that. So, on behalf of the NISO staff, listed left to right, Jason Griffey, who is the director of the conference; Sara Groveman, Jill O'Neill, Alice Meadows, Kimberly Graham, Nettie Lagace, and me thank you.
TODD CARPENTER: Thank you so much for participating, thank you so much for engaging in this conference. We will do something next year. We don't know what it's going to be. We want to build on this virtual experience because we want to make it global. We want to make it engaging. We want to make it equitable and inclusive.
TODD CARPENTER: And we cannot expect to do that in-person. We would not get 800, 900 people on a plane to fly to Baltimore or London or wherever we might meet. There may be an in-person component. We certainly hope that everyone can get a vaccine and everyone will be safe and it'll be great to gather together in-person. It might be some hybrid of those. We just don't know yet.
TODD CARPENTER: But rest assured, it's on our minds, and we are thinking about it. We'll let everyone know. So again, subscribe to NISO for more information. We will let you all know when we have plans set for 2022. So with that, thank you. Thank you so much. We have a very brief note from our program committee to end with.
SPEAKER 2: Thank you.
SPEAKER 3: Thank you.
SPEAKER 4: Thank you.
SPEAKER 5: Thank you.
SPEAKER 6: Thank you.
SPEAKER 7: Gracias.
SPEAKER 8: Thank you.
SPEAKER 9: Thank you.
SPEAKER 10: Thank you.
SPEAKER 11: Thank you.
SPEAKER 12: Thank you.
SPEAKER 13: Thank you.
SPEAKER 14: Thank you.
SPEAKER 16: Thank you.
SPEAKER 17: Thank you.
SPEAKER 18: Thank you for joining us at NISO Plus 2021.
SPEAKER 20: We look forward to staying in touch.
SPEAKER 21: And continuing these important conversations.
SPEAKER 22: Be safe.
SPEAKER 23: Be safe.
SPEAKER 25: Be safe.
SPEAKER 26: Be safe.
SPEAKER 27: Be safe.
SPEAKER 28: Be safe.
SPEAKER 29: Be safe.
SPEAKER 31: And we will see you again.
SPEAKER 32: Again.
SPEAKER 33: Again.
SPEAKER 34: Again.
SPEAKER 35: Again next year. [MUSIC PLAYING]