Kantor Atlas 2e- Video 5-08 - 18490344
Kantor Atlas 2e- Video 5-08 - 18490344
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The inverting horizontal mattress technique is an occasionally used technique. Rather than beginning as a horizontal mattress suture and going across the wound edge, instead the first pass of the needle moves parallel to the wound edge. Here, for example, the needle is inserted at 90 degrees, but, again, we are parallel to the wound edge. Exiting, again, further along the edge.
Needle is reloaded. And then on the contralateral side of the wound edge, equidistant from the wound edge, the needle is, again, inserted at 90 degrees, and exits directly across from its entry point. At this point, suture material is pulled through, and a knot is tied. The net effect of this approach, as you can see here, is that the wound edges are pulled inwards, rather than outwards.
Thus, they are inverted rather than everted. Because inversion is only rarely desired and generally in specific anatomic locations for specific circumstances, this technique is used only infrequently.