Platform Strategies 2019 Highlights
Platform Strategies 2019 Highlights
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ALLISON BELAN: The speakers have been wonderful, really talking about common topics and themes but with sort of new angles. So I've really appreciated that. The attendees are essentially all of my favorite people from industry meetings all in one room. So I'm finding this meeting really valuable for catching up with all the people I like to keep close with.
IAN BREMMER: I think the biggest global challenge for publishers is going to be the disruption that is coming from technology on all sides, both in terms of getting people to pay for content as that model changes, but also in terms of censorship and different types of filters for data systems that are coming out of China. And put those things both together, two massive global disruptions happening to the industry [INAUDIBLE].
ANN MICHAEL: The idea that there's so much that's unknown, that really we're in a point where we have to scenario plan. We have to think about what are the different things that could happen. And you know, we're in a state of flux. We can only see so many feet in front of us. And we have to think about the short term and the long term at the same time.