The COUNTER Registry: what it is, how to use it, and why
The COUNTER Registry: what it is, how to use it, and why
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Segment:1 Introduction.
SPEAKER: Welcome to this video about the COUNTER registry, what it is, how to use it, and why it matters. At its core, the registry is a single point of information detailing COUNTER-compliant platforms. So that's publisher websites, the reports that they offer, their contact details, and information about their SUSHI services. We built the registry to streamline the process of demonstrating compliance for publishers, for libraries, consortia, and intermediaries.
SPEAKER: The registry centralizes our records. There is no need for anyone to email me or ask report providers separately about which reports are available on a particular publisher platform or about the audit status of a particular platform. And, of course, it's a very clear demonstration of publishers' commitment to standards and compliance status. For libraries, one of the major benefits is that it significantly streamlines collection of SUSHI details.
SPEAKER: So that (SUSHI) is a way of automatically harvesting COUNTER reports. And it offers a central point for notifications of publishers reporting issues that complements what's normally sent around by email.
Segment:2 Registry record.
SPEAKER: So this is a small part of the SpringerLink registry record. You can see the list of reports that they provide. Those are the pieces in blue. In this case, SpringerLink offers the Platform Report PR and the associated standard view, PR_P1, as well as the Title Report or TR and all of the associated standard views, both for books and for journals.
SPEAKER: You can also see the contact details, which I blanked out for the purposes of this video. And, crucially, you can see the dates of the last audit and the upcoming audit. So this is how you can very quickly check as a library or as a publisher or anybody else that the platform is currently COUNTER compliant. And you can find the information that you need just right there.
SPEAKER: Slightly further down in the SpringerLink registry record, you will be able to see the details of the SUSHI service that allows automated harvesting of COUNTER reports. So that's the SUSHI server URL up at the top there, And there's information in there about whether you will need a customer ID, a requestor ID, whether there's use of an API key for security purposes. All of that information is right there in the registry.
SPEAKER: Equally, this is the part of the registry where you will spot notifications of issues and data updates so that if there are specific things that report consumers should be aware of, they would appear here in the publisher platform record. We do, of course, also have the full list of notifications on the registry as one of the main menu items. So as you can see here, this is the latest version.
SPEAKER: It's from this week because I'm recording this on the 3rd of February 2023. And you'll see that there was a data reharvest notification for SAGE Publications journals just last week on the 25th of January. So the last tab on our main menu is usage data hosts. And that is a list of the services which collect and publish usage data for individual publishers. They may be run by the publisher itself.
SPEAKER: So Springer Nature obviously runs its own SpringerLink service. Or it may be a third party service, like Atypon, Silverchair, Scholarly iQ, whoever is providing the reporting service. The hosts are the groups that are audited. And that audit information flows down to the COUNTER-compliant platforms. Now, we're well aware that just providing you with a reporting system is not all that helpful unless you can interact with it through an API.
SPEAKER: So we do have a public API, which is available
Segment:3 The Registry API.
SPEAKER: at And that includes four main extensions, one of which is platform. So that will give you all the information that we hold about all of the COUNTER-compliant platforms. We also have usage data host if you want to ingest information about the data hosts.
SPEAKER: We have information about the COUNTER releases. So which reports are offered under Release 5 or potentially also Release 4 and soon Release 5.1 – Watch this space. And, of course, critically, we offer notifications as an automated feed through the API. Now, JSON is not the most exciting thing to see. So I'm only giving you one quick snapshot of what our JSON looks like from the API.
SPEAKER: So in this particular slide, I have requested specifically the information for SpringerLink using their platform ID. And you'll see that using this forward slash platform extension will give you a list in JSON format of the platforms with their associated reports, with their SUSHI details, and so on. I will say at this point, if you need to audit statuses, that comes from the usage data host extension on the API.
SPEAKER: This facility, this API facility, means that libraries, consortia, report consolidators and so on can harvest SUSHI details straight into their reporting tools rather than gathering the information separately from each report provider. And that, obviously, means that it's much quicker and easier to update your SUSHI information and automatically harvest your COUNTER reports from COUNTER-compliant providers.
SPEAKER: So there you go. That is a very quick whip through of the COUNTER registry. There is lots more information available on our various websites, including the registry itself, if you need to know more. But, of course, you can always just get in touch with me if there's anything you need to know.
SPEAKER: Thank you for listening.