Silverchair Fall Forum: Our Client Community
Silverchair Fall Forum: Our Client Community
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TANYA LAPLANTE: I think there's an old saying, you are the company you keep, and I think if you look at the clients that Silverchair has, they are clients who are dedicated to improving the discoverability and impact of research. And when you are in that community, it really shines through that you're all working toward the same goal and doing your absolute best in the pursuit of that goal.
ALISTAIR REECE: Everybody who works at Silverchair is thoughtful. And I mean that in the sense not just being kind, but they actually think deeply about the work that they're doing and the enhancements that they create.
EMILIE DELQUIE: We care about our clients mission. We care about helping them bring the best content online. And we do that with a lot of attention.
TANYA LAPLANTE: It's really talking to other clients and hearing about what the challenges are that they're facing, the market problems they're trying to solve, and how they're going about trying to solve those problems.
TANYA LAPLANTE: What always comes through is the collegiality and collaboration that happens not just between Silverchair and yourself as a client, but between their other clients as well.
MIKE DI NATALE: Yeah, there's an active community that is constantly discussing Silverchair's tools and the options available on the platform, and I think that's great.
EMILIE DELQUIE: The culture is designed to bring dialogue, bring our clients together, let our teams bounce ideas off of our clients, let our clients bounce ideas off of us. And I feel the platform is just better because of it.
MIKE DI NATALE: It's important we have good relationships that we can consider almost a partnership rather than a client-vendor relationship.
ALISTAIR REECE: Really, it is the people and the amount of thought they put into everything.
EMILIE DELQUIE: Join us. Be part of the conversation. If you see something, tell us about it. If you see an opportunity to do something differently, we want to know. We want to hear it.