Keynote: The Japan Science
Keynote: The Japan Science
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NORIHIRO HAGITA: Good evening, everyone, and thank you for giving a wonderful opportunity to present this very exciting Japanese Moonshot Project program. The title is Moonshot Goal 1. And I would like to briefly introduce these programs, especially the-- my focus-- we just focus on the realization of the society in which human being can be free from the limitations of the body, brain, space, and time by 2050.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: I am Nori Hagita from the Osaka University of Arts in Japan. Thank you for joining to this-- my presentation. And Moonshot R&D program is a very, very bold new program for creating disruptive innovations. It is decided by Plenary sessions of the Council for Science and Technology and Innovation-- sometimes we call it CSTI in government-- and also the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: And also the-- I just contributed to the JST, Japan Science and Technology Agency, JST, in Japan. These institute are contributor to this program. Well, we will attack the challenges facing the future society through ambitious goal-oriented research projects leaping beyond the limits of the conventional technologies without fear of failure.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: The Japanese people always concerning about the fear of failure. But this program just try to develop the new technologies without fear of failure. All the Moonshot Goals consist of the seven goals, currently. I just contributed to the goal 1, and also the JST contributed to the goals 1, 2, 3, and 6.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: And Goal 1 just focus on the free from limitations of the body, brain, space, and time. And Goal 2 just focus on the ultra-early disease prediction and interventions. It's a very, very promising project. And Goal 3 related to the AI robots. So sometimes Goal 1 and Goal 3 mutually communicate with each other to create a new kind of order and creates a new synergy of the AI robots and avatar technologies.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: And Goal 6 is a little bit different, but still very important technology-- is a fault-tolerant universal quantum computer. And the world and also the United States are very important technologies related to the Goal 6. So let me explain about why do we start the moonshot Goal 1 program.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: To overcome the challenge of declining birth and aging populations, and associated labor shortage, we are facing-- like that-- that this is demography of aging rate in Japan. The final goal is in 2050s, maybe beyond the 65 years old, the number of the people of the beyond over 65 years old is almost the same as the ages of 15 to 64 in 2055.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: So we have to-- the social system should be changing, especially the pension systems or other social adjustment might be changing dramatically. So we have to think about the new paradigm. So we just set up these ambitious programs-- the Moonshot goal.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: To overcome the challenges of declining birthrate and aging population and associated labor shortage, a key technology is to realize that society free from the limitations of body, brain, and space and time, and allow people with various backgrounds and values-- that means such as the elderly and those with the responsibilities for nursing and childcare-- to allow these people to actively participate in society.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: Now, this is a very, very typical example of our vision of society in 2050. So you can see the very strange avatars-- we call it the cybernetic avatar. So the cybernetic avatar technology will make work and play more accessible for everyone.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: So to understand the cybernetic avatar, I will show you several scenes. This scene 1 is related to the disaster relief. More than 1,000 cybernetic amateurs operated by teleoperators perform large-scale and complicated mission in disaster sites.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: Can you imagine that? But in my case, I experienced the big earthquake in San Francisco when I was staying at Berkeley in 1989. At the time, the Loma Prieta earthquake occurred in San Francisco Central Coast in the October 17th in 1989.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: At that time, I got a fever for three days, and I have to say something or present something in UC Berkeley. [INAUDIBLE] laboratories. And the best I could is just-- I couldn't visit these laboratory because I had a lot of the fevers. But after that, the earthquake came in the 5:00 PM, almost.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: And on the other hand, in Japan, one decade ago, we had a great earthquake in Tohoku area, north part of Tokyo. It is often referred to in Japan as the great East Japan earthquake on the March 11th, 2011. Almost one decade past. But if you meet with the earthquake and the big typhoon in Japan, then more than 1,000 cybernetic avatars operated by teleoperators worldwide will perform the largest scale and complicated mission in the disaster sites.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: Maybe the United States teleoperators were contributed to the disaster relief. I hope it. And I hope my Moonshot Program will build the cybernetic avatar infrastructure, or allowing the remote operation for more than the 1000 cybernetic avatar.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: And under the infrastructure, teleoperators can contact quicker rescue operations by consulting with the international experts in the cyberspace meetings, even while working in the physical space. A medical doctor can also remotely operate the multiple cybernetic avatars in order to treat many injured people at once at the same time.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: As a result, professionals in the teleoperation will conduct the rapid rescue while ensuring that our safety. It's a big project, but I will realize that these things in around 2030s, I think. And the next scene, the scene 2. Enjoy sports together.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: Currently, most people focus on the e-sports-- not only the real sports, but also the e-sports. And this reward or award gets the lots of the money, almost the same as the real sports. So in 2050s, with the cybernetic avatars, you can enjoy the cyber and the physical sports will be realized.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: And you can enjoy the sports together, regardless of where you live. And so sometimes a new kind of the sports game or new kind of athlete including the avatars, the cybernetic avatars, might be introduced in the world.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: And scene 3, let me show you. The scene 3 in the have a full day-- holiday. So let's pretend that you are on the beach in Hawaii. And you are relaxing and resting your mind and body. It might be-- I also the visit to the Hawaii after the COVID-19.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: And at the same time, already morning in Japan. You might to try to climb the Mount Fuji using your assigned cybernetic avatar and watch the sunrise. Then, after that, take a lesson from the pianist in the cyber space-- and maybe United States pianist in the cyber space.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: And in the afternoon, they join the live performance of your favorite pop star. And the next one is, you might say, in the future that's using the cybernetic avatar-- my farming. And it can be done anywhere. And vegetable gelato shop I started last year is doing well.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: It's emergent, but you can stay in Hawaii. But you can control the lots over the cybernetic avatar in your farm, and create a lot of the fresh vegetables and creates the gelato. And also, it is possible to prevent and treat diseases with nano-avatars.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: The professor [INAUDIBLE] already proposed a nanobot in 2005, but in the Singularity. And these nanobots or the nano avatar, they're taken into the body. Now currently, that-- [COUGHS] Excuse me. The size might be the almost the same as the exosomes nanobot.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: And healthy life expectancy is extended. And elderly people can continue to play an active role in society. And also, if you have grandchildren, your grandchildren live far away. But you can see them anytime you want.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: So easy to contact, or easy to communicate, even though the economy increase happened. And last scene, scene 5-- maximizing creativity. It might be a very important project, because I was served in the professor of Osaka University of Arts.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: The country and the many large scale artworks can be proposed by team lab or the [INAUDIBLE] companies in Japan. But even larger scale artworks can be created by one artist alone now using a cybernetic avatar. The multiple users account also remotely operated multiple cybernetic avatars at the same time.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: And also by installing the craftsmanship of the expert into your brain, then combining it with your own ideas, you can try new artistic expressions, I think. Some artist came from the United States, and some other artist came from the EU. And a Japanese artist just joining in the 24 hours to create a new kind of the artwork that we call the art science work.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: It might be the big changes in the art domains, I think. And our next one is go anywhere with the cybernetic avatar. Currently, every people always go anyway with iPhone. But sometimes, some researchers always-- not only iPhone, the tablet computers and the PCs So our backpack is always heavy.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: But in the near future or the 2050s, we always are using a goal anyway with cybernetic avatars. When operating the cybernetic avatars, the user feel the same sensations as their own bodies, therefore expanding the possible range of human activities. We can work in several different diverse places, from the outer space like the International Space Stations and the moon base in the future.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: And if you're inside the human body, like using the nano avatars and the nano bot in the vessel, or the remaining kind of the several exosomes might be, check. And leave or to prevent diseases, I think. And enjoy the spontaneous travel by renting the local avatar while staying at home.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: And large scale complex tasks can be complicated in a short time by one person remotely operating the one-- 10 or more robots as a principal conductor. What's the reason of the-- let's imagine that if you remote operate the more than the one avatars, it might be very, very difficult.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: You might be confused, I think in these teleoperations. However, the Moonshot Goal 1, target 1 says-- target 1 means to create or build the cybernetic avatar infrastructure for diversity and inclusion by 2030s.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: The last line shows that's the one person can operate more than 10 avatars for one task at the same speed and accuracy as one avatar by 2030s. And to the 2050s, this one is this infrastructure can carry out large-scale complex tasks and combining the large number of robots and avatar teleoperated by multiple persons by 2050 to realize the disaster relief, I think, for one example.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: And in my previous research institute already developed one clues to realize these multiple teleoperations. And I will show you these movies. This one is recorded in the Universal City in Osaka in 2008.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: One teleoperator can remotely operate four robot at the same time. But each robot tried to interact with different passenger, or the people, at the same time. I will show you this movie. [MUSIC PLAYING] [CHATTER] [JAPANESE SPEECH] And this scene is very, very-- including the very complicated multitasks.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: This one is a tele-- if you become the teleoperators, you have to control these situations at the same time. [JAPANESE SPEECH] So to cope with these complicated multitasks with teleoperation in terms of the human-robot interactions, we will already develop the special task management systems in 2008.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: But this times only focus on the full robots. But this Moonshot project just focus on the more than 10 robots or avatars at the same time. So we have to introduce-- and also, the task is only, this times-- at that time, we just focus on the human-robot interaction. But in this Moonshot project is not only the human robot interaction, but also the other sharing systems that we have to assume.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: So we need some more excellent core technologies to realize these cybernetic avatars. But we already had several clues to cope with these programs, I think. [JAPANESE SPEECH] And also, the next one is a very important market in the world-- the virtual reality with 3D video avatars in cyber-physical space.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: The ability to go back and forth seamlessly between the cyber and the physical space will allow us to enjoy new lifestyle. New lifestyle means in terms of the free from the limitation of the space and the time, this means that these include a new experience, such as watching the concert and sports through the 3D video avatars.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: This century, the many, many head mount display are developing, and with a low price. And so, the country like that. So 30 years later, then we will use the very small head mount displays, and some of these kind of the technology will help reduce the time and money spent on travel-- not only travel, and also to minimize the risks associated with overcrowding like current COVID-19.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: And so that we just easily to switch between the cyberspace and the physical space seamlessly. And so these market will be created drastically, I think. So the cybernetic avatar will contribute to promote these market. And next one is augmented body, cognition, and perception for a fulfilling life.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: Well, we will be free from the conventional limitations of our bodies and brains. In this case, we only focus on the brain-- consists of your cognition part and perception part. And have abundant means to achieve our dreams, especially the cyborg prosthetic body technology expands the functionality of our bodies and brains and will allow everyone to play active roles in their work and hobbies.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: Now recently, the-- [COUGHS] many researchers, including Elon Musk, tried to propose the new brain machine interface systems and proposed many ideas. Maybe 30 years later, these BMI will be dramatically improved, I think.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: And physical capabilities that have diminished due to the aging and the illness will be augmented to promote more social activities. But artistic capability, too, will be augmented-- aesthetic sense stored in cyber space that is implanted into user brains.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: Currently, many people tried to develop non-invasive or invasive systems in the BMI. And so the other Moonshot Goal 1, the Target 2 also cover these issues of what these trained.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: Target 2-- realize cybernetic avatar life. The one is just a focus on the development of the technology that will be allow anyone willing to augment their physical, cognitive, and perceptual capability for specific tasks, and a proposal of a new lifestyle that will be welcomed by the society by 2030.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: And also, by 2050s, that these capability to top level and the spread of the new lifestyle that will be welcomed by society. This one means-- welcome means implying the ethical and legal, social, and economic issues might be the clear [INAUDIBLE],, and we always think about considering the ethical, social, and the legal and economic issues at that time.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: The country and the world, there are many, many similar projects that is going on. One of the most exciting projects is ANA Avatar XPRIZE. This $10 million ANA Avatar XPRIZE can enable the creation of an audacious alternative that could bypass physical human limitations, allowing us to more rapidly and efficiently distribute skills and hands-on expertise to distant geographical locations where they are needed, bridging the gap between distance, time, and cultures, said by founder.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: And let me explain about the difference between the ANA Avatar XPRIZE and our Moonshot Goal 1. ANA Avatar XPRIZE is just focused on the space and time limitations and the physical human limitations. Our Moonshot Goal 1, just target 1, focus on the remotely operating more than 10 cybernetic avatars at once.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: The second is allowing the large-scale complex tasks by multiple persons. The target 2 also cover the space and the time limitations and the physical human limitations. And also, the third one is cognitive and the perceptual limitations coming from the elderly or the centenarian society.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: And next, let me explain about the user segmentations in development of the cybernetic avatars. I foresee to the three types of the target users in the first stage. And type 1 users are related to the human-avatar interaction with hospitality. In this case, woman becomes a teleoperator and just try to remotely operate the one avatar so like that, like a robot.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: And this robot just taking care of the elderly kid to take or to guide. The same prices depend on their situations anytime and anywhere. That means in this case, the technology is not only the dialogue system, it's about also the moving. The mobility function is very important.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: How to move or approach to these peoples? It is a very difficult to programs. But still, we had a lot of the experience in human-robot interactions in Japan. And our next-- and type 2 users in this case, each user has a wearable device, or the wearable systems.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: For example, one of the system might be the Nintendo Switch or the PlayStations, or any other wearable devices just proposed by many, many people, I think. In this case, in this assumptions, each people come together in sharing their experience among the people using these wearable device and the systems.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: Maybe the sports, or at work, or medical surgery-- in these areas, might be the very important technologies in this one. The last one, and the type three users-- this one is very, very more challenging due to cybernetic avatar operations as we think in brain for thought in cloud.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: That means they-- type 3 users could not use-- we assume they could not use the type 1 users' services, and could not use the type 2 users' service. So that means that some paralyzed people or the ALS patient, or that they need different ways.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: So on this one, there is a focus on the new types of the brain-machine interface, including the brain-machine interface and the applications. And this application is just connected to the cloud. And sharing these data-- how to share that these data and to-- how to distribute these data to the other patient or other peoples.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: It is a very important target. But we just focus on these three types of users as a first stage. And after that, I just decided to the three projects leaders, project managers, for the Moonshot Goal 1. And the first one is Hiroshi Ishiguro.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: He's a very famous guy in the human-robot interaction. His specialty is the robot. And second one is Kouta Minamizawa from the Keio University. They are expert-- he is an expert for the shared experience with wearable devices and of systems, including the virtual realities, or tactile sensation, or haptics.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: Even though he is a young researcher, but sometimes he tried to experience about the launching the companies and new types of researchers, I think. And the third one is Ryota Kanai. Just challenging to realize the cybernetic avatar operations as we think in brain for thought in cloud, encouraging the development of the brain-machine machine interface-- new types of the brain-machine interface.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: The first time I just introduced Hiroshi Ishiguro. Here's a project. It's Realization of an Avatar-symbiotic Society where Everyone can Perform Active Roles without Constraint, from Osaka University. And this project is aimed to realize avatar-symbiotic society in which the cybernetic avatars allow everyone to perform active social roles without constraint.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: He's just featuring the hospitality dialogue. It's a funny word for the United States, I think. But in Japan, if you visit to the Kyoto, you will feel-- or you will experience about the hospitality-rich dialogue. And this one is not only dialogue development, but also the excellent moving or excellence behavior that might be generated that depend on the situations for each cybernetic avatar.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: So we have to assume with the many kind of various social activities-- the work, or education, or medical care, and the daily life, or even at the shopping mall, by 2050, our lifestyles will have dramatically changed. And that means not always go to the school, not always go to the company every day.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: So the way-- just pick up the special time zones, and to contribute to the work, and to learn something to the school, and to teach something to the other institute. Or sometimes, people will select the-- as well as doing research. And so people get lots of decisions or agendas.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: And so in the 2050s, we have lots of the selections. It might be a very wonderful life in his or her life. So Hiroshi's goal is to develop and implement about a symbiosis of ways [INAUDIBLE] society, rather than the smartphone.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: And Hiroshi already developed special geminoid at the ATR in 2006. And he already were awarded in the Guinness World Record as a first true avatar. Geminoid HI, Hiroshi Ishiguro I won.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: ATR the 2006. And this one plate says 2005. And after that, he just was elected to the top 100 living geniuses in 2007. At the time, the first ranking, the Tim Berners-Lee. And he just was the [INAUDIBLE] in 26th.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: And also, as well as a Dalai Lama and Steven Spielberg. It's a very, very honorarium. And he also gets excellent knowledge award. And in this case, in 2014, Tim Beners Lee is get. And Jimmy Wales for Wikipedia also get in 2014.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: He's the third guy he saw to [INAUDIBLE] award, the knowledge award. It's very, very exciting, guys. Now he already is still continue to develop the many kind of android. And this one is a recent one. Erica-- Erato coming from the JST program. The Erato Intelligence Conversational Android.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: And next, the KANAI Ryota project managers just focus on the liberations from the biological limitations via physical and cognitive and perception augmentations. And he's served as the managers in the ATR. But also, he is a CEO of the venture company Alaya.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: His project aims to develop the cybernetic avatars that can be controlled by your intention. This intention will be estimated from the brain activities and information observed on the surface of the human body through interactions. That means he just focus on the not only BMI, but also different information may be very important to improve and to get the intention, and to translate the intention to the real move in paralyzed people.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: We will integrate intention estimation methods using the AI technologies and enhance the functionality of the cybernetic avatars controlled by brain-machine interface, and new types of the brain-machine interface, while considering the ethical implications. By 2050, we will create the ultimate BMI cybernetic avatars that can be freely operated by human intentions.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: His project included lots of the excellent or the very advanced, to the medical doctors, or the researchers in this field. And the last one is Minamizawa Kouta, project manager. So he tried to realize the cybernetic avatar technologies and the social system design for harmonious co-experience and collective abilities from the Keio University.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: And his project aim was to develop the cybernetic avatar technology to allow people to take full advantage of their abilities, especially the sheer variety of the skills and experience and ways of many others. Our country-- and you might be using the Instagram or YouTube just to focus on the auditory and visual informations right now.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: But in the near future, I think the skill and experience will be shared in the world. In this case, we have to taking care of, or taking into account the social and ethical issues involved in a mutual utilization of their physical skills and experiences. We will design a system to fit well with humans and society.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: And fit means accept. The user acceptance might be the very important assumptions, I think. How to adjust these technology into the real new lifestyle or a new life. By 2050, the entire distribution of the skills and experiences will allow people to link together and produce cool creations, and help realize a society in which everyone can freely engage in the physical activities and the challenges through the cybernetic avatars.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: I hope he will realize these things. And R&D management. We are assuming the four kind of layers. Application layer just focus on overcoming the limitation of the space and time and body and brain, especially the cognitions and perception.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: And middleware layer, it's very important. But it is to the standardizations. Many kind of cybernetic avatar will be developed. Now how to define the excellent specifications, standards specifications, I think? We are assuming to the-- several points. One is 5W1 age management, and more important things is interoperability of the cybernetic avatar and how to scale up these complicated cybernetic avatar controlling.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: And so the interoperability and the scalability is a main topic in the standardizations. So we try to connect or link with many kind of the standardization bodies, including the ISO or OMG or CCITT, like that. And core-technology layers, definitely, we just focus on the teleoperation.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: New types of teleoperation should be developed. The multiple CA operation, the parallel corroborative semi-autonomous operations, and autonomous-- not only the autonomous operation, but also the [INAUDIBLE] free operations. So it depend on the teleoperator. The last layers is a focus on the basic research and ELSE.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: We call it the-- I just call it the ELSE, L-S-E issues layer. And the basic research is just a focus on the cyber-physical behavior science, and cognitive science, and biology, and brain science. The ELSE issue is the ethical, legal, social, and economic issues to get some user acceptance in the near future.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: This issue might be the very important things. And the PD message to PM. And human-centered R&D project on the cybernetic avatar. And the cybernetic avatars will be developed from the viewpoint of not only to providers, but also the users in the future. R&D project should be do basic research on the human stress caused by many cybernetic avatars and stress-relief methods while taken into account ethical, legal, social, and economic issues and information security.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: I hope they will help us adapt and adjust to a new human-centered cybernetic avatar life. Now, let me summarize these things. We just select the three excellent program managers. These projects is going on through the field experimentation. And in this case, we would get a lot of opinions or a lot of criticism.
NORIHIRO HAGITA: And so combined with these things, we're correcting these things to improve and realize these goals. Thank you very much for your kind attention. [MUSIC PLAYING]