Avance Solo: Bring Healing Home
Avance Solo: Bring Healing Home
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RHIDIAN MORGAN-JONES: Who's going to give us a presentation on Molnlycke dressings, I believe.
DANIEL HOLMES: Thank you. Let's get this online. OK. Thank you. So yeah, very quickly, I'm the business development manager for the incision care division at Molnlycke.
DANIEL HOLMES: And so really what I want to talk to you about is the Advanced Solo. And obviously prior to surgery, you always look at the risks that to the patients and obviously by identifying these, obviously the appropriate course of treatment can be looked at. So we define this as sort of like a low, medium, and a high risk. So low, medium is sort of you're looking at your decent post-operative dressing, something like a Mepilex border post-op.
DANIEL HOLMES: If we're looking into the medium side of things, then potentially if budget allows, you can look at closed incision, negative pressure, but obviously the higher risk patients as well. This is obviously where a negative pressure is certainly looked at. So with regards to what we can offer, we have one device, we have two options, but both give them the same effective therapy, Avance Solo, which is used for closed incision.
DANIEL HOLMES: We also have the Avance Solo adapt, which is a film and foam used for cavity wounds. So Avance Solo when it was designed, it was designed for effective therapy from start to finish. We're looking to make it effective, keep it effective, and end it gently. So by doing this, obviously making it effective, why because obviously patients are high risk. Patients need all the efficacy available.
DANIEL HOLMES: But we do this by delivering constant -125 of negative pressure, which gives a greater mechanical effect. By keeping it effective, because obviously therapy is going to be needed 24/7. We use what we call CFM technology, which includes things like the canister that provides obviously effective exudate management throughout the treatment. And by ending it gently, because obviously pain can impede, obviously blistering is avoidable.
DANIEL HOLMES: We use what we call our safe tack technology, which is clinically proven to reduce pain and obviously trauma to the wound as well. Ultimately, we're looking to send patients home with portability, easy ease of use and obviously discharge support obviously for patients as well. The Avance Solo itself is made up of five key components; the pump, the canister, the CFM technology, border dressing and safetac technology.
DANIEL HOLMES: So we have a look at the pump. That delivers -125 negative pressure, which is a 14 day device. By using the application of -125, it doesn't actually diminish the dressing absorption capacity and because this is a hybrid system, obviously, the patient needs to mobilize. It weighs in at 130 grams obviously, as well. So that's quite light as well.
DANIEL HOLMES: The canister which I've touched on, this is mainly used for well, this is obviously used for the excess fluids that can be transferred from the dressing. So if the dressing starts to become saturated, you have this so it almost acts as a second reservoir to keep the dressing in place, but then remove the excess exudates. And the canister itself obviously can be changed by the clinician, the patient themselves as well, when they're at home.
DANIEL HOLMES: What I want to show you here very quickly is a video that shows the Avance Solo running at -125 to canister list systems that actually run at -85mg of mercury. And what you'll see in the bottom left hand corner is these, these canister list systems actually have a single lumen port that goes into the dressing, whereas the Avance Solo has the dual lumen port. What you'll notice after 2 and 1/2 to three days with the canister list systems, the negative pressure starts to drop off and fundamentally it stops.
DANIEL HOLMES: So basically what you end up with is a dressing so it's not actually removing that exudate effectively as what you think, whereas obviously you can see that the Avance Solo continues for the seven days almost at the -125. So I've touched on the CFM technology. It's a combination of controlled airflow with the absorptive dressing and the distal canister.
DANIEL HOLMES: This enables the system obviously, as I said, to deliver continuous regulated negative pressure whilst transporting the exudate to the dressing and the canister. Obviously there's regular cycles every 25 to 30 seconds just to make sure that the pump ensures that it stays at optimum levels of negative pressure as well. The border dressing; absorptive dressing that actually conforms solely to difficult areas such as hips, knees, shoulders, but it also retains the fluid within the dressing.
DANIEL HOLMES: Obviously, even when the negative pressure is applied and it also has a waterproof backing, which is very good obviously, in terms of aid for the patient being able to get back in and mobilize and sort of shower, but obviously a bacterial barrier as well. Safetac technology, which Molnlycke are very well known for, it's been proven to minimize trauma to wound site and surrounding skin upon dressing removal. But when you're applying the dressing, it does make it possible to lift and readjust the dressing.
DANIEL HOLMES: This is before fixation strips are applied. The front cover of itself of the pump. Very simple. It's audible and visual, lets you know if there's a leak, if there's a blockage or if the canister is full just by audible. And as I said, it's visual as well, as well it's got the battery there in case there's any issues with that.
DANIEL HOLMES: What I really wanted to show you here just before I finish is that it's we've seen it in the past where dressings become very saturated. The initial thought is to remove the dressing and replace it. But because you've got the 50 mil canister there, when the dressing becomes saturated, as I said, it still removes that excess exudate. So there is no need to remove that dressing which is there for seven days and all you will need to do is once the canister becomes full, is then just to change the canister and continue, continue with the therapy.
DANIEL HOLMES: That's my presentation. Thank you very much. You're on mute.
RHIDIAN MORGAN-JONES: My apologies. Dan, thank you so much for that presentation and again, for sponsoring this webinar. I'm sure that you'll be available for questions.
RHIDIAN MORGAN-JONES: If not tonight early time the audience want to speak to you.
DANIEL HOLMES: Yeah, of course. Not a problem. Thank you.