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I'm Jennifer Koziol, and today we are going to discuss testing for Tritrichomonas foetus in bulls, commonly known as trich testing. I have no conflicts of interest to disclose. We will begin by properly restraining the bull in the chute to minimize risk of injury to animal or veterinarian. Next, the preputial hair should be trimmed.
The scissors that are used to trim should be wiped of organic material and placed in chlorhexidine in between bulls to prevent cross contamination. A paper towel can be used to wipe off any organic material to prevent contamination. The trich testing device is inserted into the opening of the preputial orifice and directed caudally to just cranial to the preputial fornix.
The hand not holding the pipette can be placed on the sheath to increase contact between the device and the preputial epithelium. The collector should make 10 to 20 back and forth searching motions, moving the end of the collection device within the preputial cavity. Negative pressure can be placed on the syringe to increase collection of the organism. The collection device is carefully removed from the preputial cavity.
Next the device is carefully placed in the collection media. The media may be swirled around the device to remove any organisms and preputial smegma that was collected. The fluid should be cellular upon completion, with lack of blood or organic material. Urine contamination may lead to false negative results and should be avoided.
The media container is properly closed and the bulll's permanent identification and all information requested from the lab should be placed on the container. Following the lab's recommendations, samples should be expedited to the lab for best results.