Live Surgery Tuesday - Open Carpal Tunnel Release with Median Nerve Coverage
Live Surgery Tuesday - Open Carpal Tunnel Release with Median Nerve Coverage
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DR. ALEJANDRO BADIA: Good morning, Dr. Badia here for #LivesurgeryTuesday. So today we're going to do something unusual. We just did an endoscopic carpal tunnel release. That's another debate we can have at some point. But I've probably done about 6,000 of those over my career. They do very well. This gentleman is coming in from the West Coast of Florida, had an open carpal tunnel release previously, which works very well.
DR. ALEJANDRO BADIA: I'm not critiquing it, but when there's an issue, it's a little more complicated. There's scarring around a nerve. So I have to do it open. So you're going to see a rare open carpal tunnel release for me. I'm going to cover the nerve with a hypothenar- vascularized fat flap so it doesn't scar to the skin. And I'm going to use some hyaluronic acid gel.
DR. ALEJANDRO BADIA: OK, so stay tuned. We sometimes use sheets of polylactic acid to wrap a nerve, but it's kind of difficult to do that in the carpal tunnel. So we're using something that's of a liquid form. When you make an open incision, you know, you're just going to get more scarring than endoscopic. For the same reason nowadays, we all fix our rotator cuffs, not all, but most of us fix our rotator cuff with three little holes arthroscopically.
DR. ALEJANDRO BADIA: So that's a gel. It's starting to set. Takes, what, 3 minutes Kate? Yeah. So so there's a membrane and the, the solvent. So right now what you're kind of looking a balled up piece of cellophane, if you will, with some fluid. And it's going to become jelly like over the next few minutes.
DR. ALEJANDRO BADIA: Media nerves, I can see it a media nerves, very white there, which is normal and off white. And here it's sort of yellow and constricted and a little red there. Hypothenar-vascularized fat flap. I'm going to do is I'm putting this you see it's kind of thick. And I'm putting it around. OK so there.
DR. ALEJANDRO BADIA: There's that gel surrounding the nerve. Now, we'll just take a stitch, please, and we're going to just suture this fat to under the surface of the transverse, the radial side of the transverse carpal ligament. Thank you very much for joining us, Dr. Badia, your last words. Enjoy life.