Adult Pathology - Mirel's Score
Adult Pathology - Mirel's Score
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ORTHOM8: Welcome to OrthoM8. Making learning Orthomatic by Harry Benjamin-Laing. Today's topic is the Mirel's Score. The Mirel's score is an assessment tool to identify need for prophylactic fixation in patients with bone tumors. There are four parts.
ORTHOM8: These are pain, which can be mild, moderate, or functional. Next is the site. This can be upper limb, lower limb or peri-trochanteric. Next is the size of the lesion.
ORTHOM8: For example, a lesion in the proximal tibia can be one third the diameter of the bone on the plain X-ray. Between one third and two thirds the diameter, or more than two thirds the diameter. Once we are comfortable with the size, all that's left to do is the type of lesion. This can be blastic,
ORTHOM8: mixed blastic and lytic or lytic. This creates a table and each component is given a score out of three. These are added together and a score above it suggests prophylactic fixation. Don't forget to subscribe and like.