Next Generation Marketing, Product, and Data Strategies (Paul Gee)
Next Generation Marketing, Product, and Data Strategies (Paul Gee)
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PAUL GEE: Hi. I'm Paul Gee. I wanted to talk today about the problem of using AI as a publisher, and the opportunities that it creates, and I didn't actually know the whole agenda, so I think it dovetails nicely in an eerie way. So it's been said that the internet you experience is as unique to you as your fingerprint, right? And we make it that way every time we engage with any like button, with anything you touch.
PAUL GEE: When you talk, you're informing your devices who you are, what you like, and the effect of this is that the internet has shrunk its definition down to you to exactly what you've told it, and it's made a bare minimum version of a person. And it's good in some ways. It's also-- it's strange, and it's ironic because our world view now is more limited in this age of information proliferation than it was before, and every time you engage, you limit it more.
PAUL GEE: It creates this idea that we're stuck in a bubble of our own creation, and everything we look at is another reflection of that. And we start to get worried that this new set of technologies is going to harm us. You'll be talking to fellow parents and they're complaining about what technology is doing to their kids while they're micro tasking your conversation looking at Facebook the entire time.
PAUL GEE: Talking about they're scared about technology, but they can't put it down, right? We're glued to it, and people are looking at this idea that, as you use technology and create a world that looks like you, you start to learn from the world that looks like you to be more like you, and it creates this reflected version of you. And I boiled down that there's the good and the bad. This AI internet exploits people, it makes them into products, it invades their privacy, but it creates this self-fulfilling, narcissistic tendency that we love.
PAUL GEE: It does stuff for us, it helps us, and it allows us to deal with a life built around this information proliferation. We all love it. We get easy access to our friends, to our family, to connections that we have across the world. We can buy stuff so fast, and we can return it so fast. We don't have to go anywhere, and the sites start to know our sizes, and our preferences, and the world's good.
PAUL GEE: It keeps us sane. We need things that keep us sane when there's this much information around us. We need something to simplify and organize our lives, but it causes us to ask these questions. As targeted content and improvement of every post is about me. And is your social life improving if all your friends look exactly like you and talk like you and say the same things you already agree with, and we start to create those echo chambers that everyone both complains about and yet still participates in.
PAUL GEE: And then for publishers to be thinking through how you participate in these now having to deal with the problem of privacy. If we want the internet to do these things for us, it takes swaths of information like the world isn't ever seen to make them better and better and better at understanding us. And it does treat us like a product, and we make that exchange knowingly and willingly, because we want the services that being a product gives us.
PAUL GEE: And it's really rolling down from just a few people that our productizing teasing all of us, but it keeps the sane. It simplifies our lives. It keeps us focused. The question is, is it worth it? And we go round and round around that. At JAMA Network, just trying to answer this question from the publishers perspective.
PAUL GEE: It's kind of simple. You can't not create filters of content for your users, and in many ways, publishers have always been a filter. I was told this story by our fulfillment company back in the 80s. Advantage had a customer. I think it was called the Farmer Journal that purely print publication. Someone would go online, fill out a profile.
PAUL GEE: Farmers are very practical. They have certain crops and they have certain pesticides. They have certain conditions they have to know how to achieve results within, and they don't have time to really browse and read a ton of information in the space. Every month, they got a customized newsletter directly for them based on their climate and their conditions and what they grew.
PAUL GEE: That was done 30 years ago. Very practical application of how publishers have always been curators and have always created a filter that created a powerful way for people to engage with the product. In some ways, as we've gone online, publishers have left that behind and giving that away to other companies. JAMA does some very simple things online.
PAUL GEE: We still have the editor who tells you what to read. We also start to create these filters that allow you to personalize your experience. We have the same things that tell you what not to miss out on, because this is the most cutting edge research of the day. The things that just published you shouldn't lose, and then we allow people to receive emails that recommend the content from just within their browsing behavior.
PAUL GEE: But I've been working more and more on the education side of the house, and we do all of the same things. We're trying to apply that playbook to education, and in most LMSs do this thing where you get your specialty and your practice setting, and you start to give a doctor all the educational information that they need for their practice, and you base information on their interests.
PAUL GEE: But the real problem we're trying to mull over-- and I've heard lots people talk about it here in different discussions-- is if I'm a patient and I go to a doctor, I bring to that situation something that the curriculum is not planning for, and we all experience that. We all complain about that with doctors every day, and the AMA is really, really mindful about trying to find ways to improve patient outcomes and to drive down the cost per care.
PAUL GEE: And if we don't actually take that up as the real reason we're educating doctors, then we're missing the mission. We know that people need to have education served to them based on negative targeting measures. Not just for digital marketing purposes, but in order to-- in this case-- train doctors about what they need to know about the people that they're seeing every day. Not necessarily about what specialty selection they made when they started to specialize.
PAUL GEE: We're looking at different ways to use patient histories of the doctor to inform us on how they need to know information or anything around that space that would help us to use natural language processing and the amount of information that's at our disposal to do good for all of us. If we can draw that circle together, we think it will make the world a little happier place, but to me-- and I'm approaching this back as publishers and where we're at-- it it would be very difficult for the AMA to vend off that responsibility of trying to defund that algorithm.
PAUL GEE: I think one of the things that we're up against-- information is proliferating. It's out of control. We see these statistics. This is 10 years old showing how much information we're pummeling into the ether of the internet. It's a lot of science. It's a lot of stuff people have to get through, and we need to help people see what's important.
PAUL GEE: That's our job as publishers. That's what we've always. Done that's what a theme issue is. That's what these containers were meant to do. We need a filter as people and publishers have always been the filters, and this is, to me, an example of what happens when we let other companies get in the way of what we're good at. We have train-- at JAMA, we have ways to deal with problem topics, and the noise that happens around them, and we never censor the information.
PAUL GEE: But when a company that's just trying to get clicks and drive engagement starts to get an echo chamber of whatever happened the day that they pulled this down, they've shown that they're not equipped to deal with the real academic problem of creating conversations around these topics. Publishers have that responsibility, and publishers will thrive as we start to develop and group together to develop filters that work for the industry.
PAUL GEE: And I think it's important that we not be so concerned with content creation, and this is inward saying to my teams. We like to create content for no reason-- just how much content can we create, but the supply and demand curve on content isn't in our favor. There's a ton of content. There's a low level supply of serving content at the right time, in the right place, for the right people.
PAUL GEE: I don't think content's a value ad in that equation right now. And as we get into the idea that we're talking about, using AI to curate, and using all the different tools that are at our disposal to make better experiences and to inform patient care, it's going to be hard to deal with some of these concerns around privacy and it's going to be difficult to find the right mix of what we tell people they should read they don't know about that an editor really does drive value around versus those things where people can self-select and find their own content streams that please them.
PAUL GEE: But we have a good opportunity here. In the space I'm in, the print advertising revenue is declining, and this does gives us a space to separate ourselves from advertising revenues of the past, in the sense that, we have the freedom to use AI to develop tools and services that actually meet the needs of the readers, the users, and, in our case, the physicians and the patients just to solve problems. Gives us an opportunity to think differently and to rethink our business models and our structures and what we think are our main job is.
PAUL GEE: And it lets us separate ourselves. So Facebook can let people click all the time, and they can drive the clicks, and they can engineer a world around you that self-fulfilling. But publishers don't really have a choice but to think about these things. We have a lot of information, we're contributing to the information overload, and it's not a choice for readers.
PAUL GEE: So curation isn't really a choice for publishers, and I think that the next generation of filters, the really good filters that are keen to the content and to the users, publishers know how to do that better than anyone else. And if we don't take that up, it really starts to question what does a publisher do, and why are we here? Thanks.